Tuesday 8 November 2011

Two Changes of Cast

While the band and Team 1 remain unchanged, I had to change two members of Team 2 due to unavaliabilty of the actors, I therefore have changed:

Star for myself, Miriam. This does not affect my original reasoning as I have changed a female for a female so my original points about women in the army remain. Myself and Star are of the same stature and height so this does not affect my filming in any way except in the scenes I was in where I had someone else press the record button/hold/move the camera as neccesary. As Team 2 and both teams together are only in a few scenes this did not happen that much

The second change is Jack S for Emily. In this case I changed a male for a female which makes the teams unbalanced in the sense that one team now has one female while the other has two. However I think the imbalance actually supports the music video better, it makes the two teams easier to differentiate for the audience and the unbalance of gender represents the fact that war is never equal and that there is always difference in numbers, ages, gender, race etc. When Jack said he could no longer be in the the music video the above reasons are why I decided to recast a female actress instead of a male. I think that the filming shows these reasons better than with my original cast and some of the differences from my original cast help create a more indepth view into war and the variance between sides.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reviewing the planning of your music video; you strongly argue the case re the change in your cast. Strong evidence of planning and commitment to your music video, and specifically the ideology that has spurred your ideas.
